Audience Award Winner 2021

Ieva Kotryna Ski

Kurį laiką dirbo kino aikštelėje Lietuvoje, vėliau persikėlė į Paryžių, kur baigė kino bakalauro studijas.

Ieva Kotryna Ski (b. 1994) spent several years working on film sets in Lithuania, later moving to Paris, where she graduated with a BA in Film Studies and is currently studying for an MA Creation as Research at the École Universitaire de Recherche ArTeC. Her artistic practice began with exploring the video-aesthetics of the telephone, the technological glitches that emerge from it, and the documentation of fragmented everyday life. Ieva Kotryna is also a frequent contributor to other artists’ projects as a video artist.

The work Sinkhole presented at the exhibition departs from geological formations and the research of the artist’s grandfather, the geologist Vytautas Narbutas, inviting the viewers to follow the paths opened up by sinkholes. Eroded rocks melt, a cavity forms, the upper surface of the earth can no longer support it and sinks in. The resulting caves merge into interconnected channels, forming a fractured landscape that offers a different perspective on this natural phenomena. At the same time, various forms of different-quality digital videos are used to explore the relationship with surfaces slipping away from beneath our feet.